As the world turns…

Dear distinguished gentlemen and sophisticated ladies,

It’s been awhile since there’s been any noise from The Debonaires headquarters, so its about time to give you an update. Despite the claims made by an unmentioned news source, we are not a soap opera but instead remain, faithfully and comically, a sketch comedy show. The claims have some merit however, because Episode 2 had to take a back seat to the drama of finals week. While the creative team had to halt production on Episode 2, they were required by a certain institution of higher learning to wrestle with the likes of Plato and Aristotle, postmodernism and consumer society, Louis Althusser, Walter Benjamin, philosophy, literature, spanish, and so much more. And oh! the Drama! Did you know that Aristotle’s mother had to sleep with Plato in order for Plato to take on her son as a student. Things got tense when Plato referred to his mother as a “dime-store floozy”. No, of course that’s not true. What is true, to get back on topic, is that Episode 2 of The Debonaires is back on track and will be premiering very early this upcoming semester. The gang has been hard at work and we still aim to finish a 6-episode season before the school year is over. Expect plenty of updates and announcements, as well as the very first Debonaires contest, as soon as school starts back up. For now, relax, be merry and enjoy the holidays. Start 2011 with a bang. And for god’s sake, laugh.

-Xander Goldenfleece XXVIII

~ by uvmtv on December 23, 2010.

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